How to Draw a Line Graph in D3

The time has come to step up our game and create a line chart from scratch. And not just any line chart: a multi-series graph that can accommodate any number of lines. Besides handling multiple lines, we will work with time and linear scales, axes, and labels – or rather, have them work for us. There is plenty to do, so I suggest you fire off your D3 server and let's get cracking.

We will create this beauty! Fun!

Document Preparation

As the first step we need to prepare the data and the file structure for the visualisation. Create line_chart.html, styles.css, and data.csv in your project folder and populate them with the snippets that follow. This will get us started.

Paste this to the line_chart.html file. The code defines the svg element for us so we can start drawing straight away. I've also created a basic structure upfront so it's easier to navigate the document as we work on its particular sections.

                          <!DOCTYPE html>              <head>              <meta              charset=              "utf-8"              >              <title>Multi Line Chart</title>              <script                            type=              "text/javascript"              src=              ""              ></script>              <link              rel=              "stylesheet"              type=              "text/css"              href=              "styles.css"              >              <style></style>              </head>              <body>              <div              id=              "container"              class=              "svg-container"              ></div>              <script>              //------------------------1. PREPARATION-------------------------//              //-----------------------------SVG-------------------------------//              const              width              =              960              ;              const              height              =              500              ;              const              margin              =              5              ;              const              padding              =              5              ;              const              adj              =              30              ;              // we are appending SVG first              const              svg              =              d3              .              select              (              "              div#container              "              ).              append              (              "              svg              "              )              .              attr              (              "              preserveAspectRatio              "              ,              "              xMinYMin meet              "              )              .              attr              (              "              viewBox              "              ,              "              -              "              +              adj              +              "                              -              "              +              adj              +              "                                          "              +              (              width              +              adj              *              3              )              +              "                                          "              +              (              height              +              adj              *              3              ))              .              style              (              "              padding              "              ,              padding              )              .              style              (              "              margin              "              ,              margin              )              .              classed              (              "              svg-content              "              ,              true              );              //-----------------------------DATA------------------------------//              //----------------------------SCALES-----------------------------//              //-----------------------------AXES------------------------------//              //----------------------------LINES------------------------------//              //-------------------------2. DRAWING----------------------------//              //-----------------------------AXES------------------------------//              //----------------------------LINES------------------------------//              });              </script>                      

Leave the styles.css document empty for now. Paste the following rows to data.csv. The line chart will feature multiple series: corresponding to the columns A, B, and C.

            date,A,B,C 20-Jul-2019,10,20,16 21-Jul-2019,11,22,18 22-Jul-2019,13,19,21 23-Jul-2019,11,17,22 24-Jul-2019,15,16,20 25-Jul-2019,16,19,18 26-Jul-2019,19,21,18 27-Jul-2019,22,25,15 28-Jul-2019,18,24,12 29-Jul-2019,14,20,16 30-Jul-2019,14,18,18 31-Jul-2019,16,18,21 01-Aug-2019,15,20,22 02-Aug-2019,14,21,19                      

Data Preparation

The first step – and a crucial step for the whole visualisation – is to correctly read the data. I have used a multi-series example for a reason: while it's pretty simple to plot a single path, handling multiple lines (especially an undefined number of them) requires a bit more of D3 finesse. Paste the following to the DATA section, reload the html document and review the console log in your browser:

                          const              timeConv              =              d3              .              timeParse              (              "              %d-%b-%Y              "              );              const              dataset              =              d3              .              csv              (              "              data.csv              "              );              dataset              .              then              (              function              (              data              )              {              const              slices              =              data              .              columns              .              slice              (              1              ).              map              (              function              (              id              )              {              return              {              id              :              id              ,              values              :              data              .              map              (              function              (              d              ){              return              {              date              :              timeConv              (              d              .              date              ),              measurement              :              +              d              [              id              ]              };              })              };              });              console              .              log              (              "              Column headers              "              ,              data              .              columns              );              console              .              log              (              "              Column headers without date              "              ,              data              .              columns              .              slice              (              1              ));              // returns the sliced dataset              console              .              log              (              "              Slices              "              ,              slices              );              // returns the first slice              console              .              log              (              "              First slice              "              ,              slices              [              0              ]);              // returns the array in the first slice              console              .              log              (              "              A array              "              ,              slices              [              0              ].              values              );              // returns the date of the first row in the first slice              console              .              log              (              "              Date element              "              ,              slices              [              0              ].              values              [              0              ].              date              );              // returns the array's length              console              .              log              (              "              Array length              "              ,(              slices              [              0              ].              values              ).              length              );                      

Let's review the transformations called on our data set one by one: – data.columns returns the csv headers – data.columns.slice(1) returns the csv headers without the date column (the slice starts at column indexed at 1) – map() calls a function on every element of the array (consisting of A, B, and C) – let's call each of those elements a 'slice'map() assigns the column name as an id element to each slice – then it assigns a values array to each slice – note how the values element evokes a function. Here we map information from the original data set: the array will consist of 2 columns, date and measurement. The date is derived from the first column (and transformed to a date format), and the measurement is taken from the column corresponding with the slice's id . At the end of those transformations we get 3 arrays: A, B, and C, with 2 columns each: date and measurement. This is an amazingly flexible way to slice up a data set: regardless of how many columns it has! It's all done in those few rows. I've printed some information to the console to help you review the snippet.

Console log

Review the console log for more information

Scales Preparation

After the data has been read in we need to configure the scaling mechanism. This is done in order to print the chart in accordance to the svg's real estate. Scales transform the data input (our dates and values) to coordinates on the svg plane. Paste the following lines to the SCALES section.

                          const              xScale              =              d3              .              scaleTime              ().              range              ([              0              ,              width              ]);              const              yScale              =              d3              .              scaleLinear              ().              rangeRound              ([              height              ,              0              ]);              xScale              .              domain              (              d3              .              extent              (              data              ,              function              (              d              ){              return              timeConv              (              d              .              date              )}));              yScale              .              domain              ([(              0              ),              d3              .              max              (              slices              ,              function              (              c              )              {              return              d3              .              max              (              c              .              values              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              d              .              measurement              +              4              ;              });              })              ]);                      

We will plot the dates on the x axis and the values on the y axis. D3 provides a scaleTime() method for scaling dates, and a scaleLinear() method for continuous values. We first decide the scale's range: what the input values should be translated to. In this case we will stretch the data values from 0 to the svg's width, and the numeric values from the svg's height to 0. As the second step we specify the input data domain. A domain consists of all values between a specified minimum and maximum that a data set can take. Instead of manually looking up those values, we pass it through built in D3 functions: – d3.extent() returns a minimum and maximum value of an array (in a natural order) – this will work perfectly on our date set – d3.max() returns a maximum value of the array. Note how in this example we first extract a maximum value from each array to then select a maximum of all three. I also added 4 to the maximum value for purely subjective aesthetic reasons: I wanted to have some space above the graph.

The scales are now set up. If you don't have enough of scales and would like to see more examples, take a look at my previous tutorial.

A well configured scales enable us to start plotting values on the svg. Every time we evoke the data set, we just need to call an appropriate scale on it.


Enough chatting – let's draw something already! Axes are a good starting point: if plotted correctly, they will assure us that the data has been read as expected and that it scales as nicely as we have imagined.

Paste this to AXES under the Preparation section:

                          const              yaxis              =              d3              .              axisLeft              ().              scale              (              yScale              );              const              xaxis              =              d3              .              axisBottom              ().              scale              (              xScale              );                      

And this to AXES under the Drawing section:

                          svg              .              append              (              "              g              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              axis              "              )              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              "              translate(0,              "              +              height              +              "              )              "              )              .              call              (              xaxis              );              svg              .              append              (              "              g              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              axis              "              )              .              call              (              yaxis              );                      

And as simple as that we have plotted the x and y axes!

The axes are here!

Admittedly, the axes are not the most elegant in the world (there are some pretty axes out there) but they are here! There are some additional tweaks we can apply to make them more friendly for the reader.

Let's look at the x axis first: there is something funny going on with the dates. Reading from the left, we get 'Sat 20', 'Jul 21', 'Mon 22', and at some point we reach just 'August'. Seems like the months and days have come in an insubordinate mix of variations. We need to put and end to this freestyle, and by this I mean that we should decide what date format we'd like to print on the screen. The d3.axis() method allows us to adjust all sort of things for ticks – their number, interval between the points, display format, etc. Let's configure some of them for both axes.

Replace the axes definition in the Preparation section with the following snippet and refresh the visualisation:

                          const              yaxis              =              d3              .              axisLeft              ()              .              ticks              ((              slices              [              0              ].              values              ).              length              )              .              scale              (              yScale              );              const              xaxis              =              d3              .              axisBottom              ()              .              ticks              (              d3              .              timeDay              .              every              (              1              ))              .              tickFormat              (              d3              .              timeFormat              (              '              %b %d              '              ))              .              scale              (              xScale              );                      

The above code specifies a set number of ticks for the y axis (14, or as many as there are array elements / csv rows). In the case of the x axis a tick will be displayed with a granularity of a day, every day. That's been achieved by setting the tick property to d3.timeDay.every(1). The format of displayed dates will show the day and the abbreviated month for each tick. After those changes we end up with somewhat improved axes:

Ordnung, at last

Disobedient dates are no longer a problem!

To make it even better (is it even possible!!!) we can add a label to the y axis to show what the values stand for. While the dates are self-explanatory, the numbers on their own carry no information. Add a label (call it whatever you like – I went with Frequency) by appending the following to the y axis drawing:

                          //this you had              svg              .              append              (              "              g              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              axis              "              )              .              call              (              yaxis              )              //this you append              .              append              (              "              text              "              )              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              "              rotate(-90)              "              )              .              attr              (              "              dy              "              ,              "              .75em              "              )              .              attr              (              "              y              "              ,              6              )              .              style              (              "              text-anchor              "              ,              "              end              "              )              .              text              (              "              Frequency              "              );                      

(There is no style set for the label so it won't show on the graph – but believe me and the Google Chrome developer tools, it is there)


The y axis label is invisible

Finally, let's improve the looks of the axes. By improve I mean: set the colours, widths, and rendering of every single element, and decide the font to use. Paste the following to the css file and feel free to make your own style decisions:

                          /* AXES */              /* ticks */              .axis              line              {              stroke              :              #706f6f              ;              stroke-width              :              0.5              ;              shape-rendering              :              crispEdges              ;              }              /* axis contour */              .axis              path              {              stroke              :              #706f6f              ;              stroke-width              :              0.7              ;              shape-rendering              :              crispEdges              ;              }              /* axis text */              .axis              text              {              fill              :              #2b2929              ;              font-family              :              Georgia              ;              font-size              :              120%              ;              }                      

The ticks are controlled by the .line element of the axis, while the actual axis is set with the .path element. The axes look sharp (the author's humble opinion) and ready to welcome some data:

Prettified axes

Without further ado, let's plot the chart!

Line Chart

Lines are essentially d3.paths() that connect a bunch of (x, y) coordinates on a 2D plane. To construct a line you need to tell it where to find its x and y coordinates and then append that to the svg. Paste the following snippets to the previously created placeholders and let's review the code together.

This should got to LINES bit under the Preparation section:

                          const              line              =              d3              .              line              ()              .              x              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              xScale              (              d              .              date              );              })              .              y              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              yScale              (              d              .              measurement              );              });                      

In this snippet we called a line constructor, d3.line() that uses two accessors: x for values on the horizontal plane, and y for the vertical axis. Here we simply point to the most granular values of our array, date and measurement (this is not the time to worry about the nested csv structure). Once that's done, paste the following to LINES under the Drawing section:

                          const              lines              =              svg              .              selectAll              (              "              lines              "              )              .              data              (              slices              )              .              enter              ()              .              append              (              "              g              "              );              lines              .              append              (              "              path              "              )              .              attr              (              "              d              "              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              line              (              d              .              values              );              });                      

This requires some explanation. The variable lines selects an unidentified number of lines from the svg – and immediately tells D3 there will be 3 lines by pointing to the slices set (lines A, B, and C). It then appends a g element to each of them: a grouping element that will make our life easier in the due course. The g element will collect everything that has to do with a particular chart series (aka a slice in the array): the line (represented above as a path), its data points that we will be able to hover over, and the series labels.

The first thing to append to lines (that are in fact 3 empty g containers) are the chart lines themselves. We call the d3.line() constructor on the data to draw a path. See how first we need to access the values under each slice. This is then passed to the constructor that pulls dates and measurements as required.

After the changes are saved, the visualisation gets updated to this:

Instead of a line chart we got a mountain chart

Okay, this is not perfect but believe me, we are getting there! Let's apply some aesthetic fixes on the chart and observe how it shapes up. Append the following to styles.css:

                          /* LINE CHART */              path              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #ed3700              ;              }                      

We need to set the fill to none to have the shapes reappear as lines. Refresh the graph:

The lines have emerged

What separates a line chart from a bunch of lines stuck together on a graph? The ability to differentiate between the series. At the moment we only have the former.

For starters, we need to make a distinction between the lines in the code. Let's add an id to each line class – add the following to the LINES section in the Preparation part:

                          let              id              =              0              ;              const              ids              =              function              ()              {              return              "              line-              "              +              id              ++              ;              }                      

This little piece of code creates a counter that we can leverage to automatically assign a line id to every added line. Let's reference the counter in the class property of the paths. Adjust the code in the LINES section to add the class property:

                          const              lines              =              svg              .              selectAll              (              "              lines              "              )              .              data              (              slices              )              .              enter              ()              .              append              (              "              g              "              );              lines              .              append              (              "              path              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              ids              )              .              attr              (              "              d              "              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              line              (              d              .              values              );              });                      

And magically, each path gets its own class!

Path class

The lines are given their own identity

What's left for us to do is to reference these classes in the css and give each line its own unique character. Change the Line Chart section of the css to say:

                          /* LINE CHART */              path              .line-0              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #ed3700              ;              }              path              .line-1              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #2b2929              ;              stroke-dasharray              :              2              ;              }              path              .line-2              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #9c9c9c              ;              stroke-dasharray              :              6              ;              }                      

Note how I'm not only amending the colour, but also changing the stroke of each line. Remember that about 10% of all people have some degree of colour blindness and in all fairness, differentiating between colours can be tricky for any of us. Colours will just blend together if there are too many data series and their hue will show differently on every monitor.

After the changes have been applied, the lines be clearly separated on the graph – like shown below:

The lines are visually different from each other

Now the series are differentiated but it's still impossible to tell which one is which unless you have memorised the underlying data and have a pretty sick visual imagination in which case I wonder why you needed a graph in the first place. To aid the majority of us in the series recognition I propose that we append the series name to the right side of the graph. Add the following to the drawing section of LINES:

                          lines              .              append              (              "              text              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              serie_label              "              )              .              datum              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              {              id              :              d              .              id              ,              value              :              d              .              values              [              d              .              values              .              length              -              1              ]};              })              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              "              translate(              "              +              (              xScale              (              d              .              value              .              date              )              +              10              )              +              "              ,              "              +              (              yScale              (              d              .              value              .              measurement              )              +              5              )              +              "              )              "              ;})              .              attr              (              "              x              "              ,              5              )              .              text              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              (              "              Serie                            "              )              +              d              .              id              ;              });                      

The snippet localises the end of each line and appends to it a text element. The text will be printed as Serie A, Serie B, or Serie C, depending on the line. Add the following to the css document to adjust the series labels:

                          .serie_label              {              fill              :              #2b2929              ;              font-family              :              Georgia              ;              font-size              :              80%              ;              }                      

The labels are appended! Good times.

Each series got its own label

We can all agree this is one handsome line chart! I've pasted the full code below. Make sure to check out the second part of the tutorial that presents two scenarios of adding interactivity to the chart.

Follow me on Twitter for more data-sciency / data visualisation projects!

Code Samples


                          <!DOCTYPE html>              <head>              <meta              charset=              "utf-8"              >              <title>Multi Line Chart</title>              <script                            type=              "text/javascript"              src=              ""              ></script>              <link              rel=              "stylesheet"              type=              "text/css"              href=              "styles.css"              >              <style></style>              </head>              <body>              <div              id=              "container"              class=              "svg-container"              ></div>              <script>              //------------------------1. PREPARATION------------------------//              //-----------------------------SVG------------------------------//                            const              width              =              960              ;              const              height              =              500              ;              const              margin              =              5              ;              const              padding              =              5              ;              const              adj              =              30              ;              // we are appending SVG first              const              svg              =              d3              .              select              (              "              div#container              "              ).              append              (              "              svg              "              )              .              attr              (              "              preserveAspectRatio              "              ,              "              xMinYMin meet              "              )              .              attr              (              "              viewBox              "              ,              "              -              "              +              adj              +              "                              -              "              +              adj              +              "                                          "              +              (              width              +              adj              *              3              )              +              "                                          "              +              (              height              +              adj              *              3              ))              .              style              (              "              padding              "              ,              padding              )              .              style              (              "              margin              "              ,              margin              )              .              classed              (              "              svg-content              "              ,              true              );              //-----------------------------DATA-----------------------------//              const              timeConv              =              d3              .              timeParse              (              "              %d-%b-%Y              "              );              const              dataset              =              d3              .              csv              (              "              data.csv              "              );              dataset              .              then              (              function              (              data              )              {              var              slices              =              data              .              columns              .              slice              (              1              ).              map              (              function              (              id              )              {              return              {              id              :              id              ,              values              :              data              .              map              (              function              (              d              ){              return              {              date              :              timeConv              (              d              .              date              ),              measurement              :              +              d              [              id              ]              };              })              };              });              //----------------------------SCALES----------------------------//              const              xScale              =              d3              .              scaleTime              ().              range              ([              0              ,              width              ]);              const              yScale              =              d3              .              scaleLinear              ().              rangeRound              ([              height              ,              0              ]);              xScale              .              domain              (              d3              .              extent              (              data              ,              function              (              d              ){              return              timeConv              (              d              .              date              )}));              yScale              .              domain              ([(              0              ),              d3              .              max              (              slices              ,              function              (              c              )              {              return              d3              .              max              (              c              .              values              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              d              .              measurement              +              4              ;              });              })              ]);              //-----------------------------AXES-----------------------------//              const              yaxis              =              d3              .              axisLeft              ()              .              ticks              ((              slices              [              0              ].              values              ).              length              )              .              scale              (              yScale              );              const              xaxis              =              d3              .              axisBottom              ()              .              ticks              (              d3              .              timeDay              .              every              (              1              ))              .              tickFormat              (              d3              .              timeFormat              (              '              %b %d              '              ))              .              scale              (              xScale              );              //----------------------------LINES-----------------------------//              const              line              =              d3              .              line              ()              .              x              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              xScale              (              d              .              date              );              })              .              y              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              yScale              (              d              .              measurement              );              });              let              id              =              0              ;              const              ids              =              function              ()              {              return              "              line-              "              +              id              ++              ;              }              //-------------------------2. DRAWING---------------------------//              //-----------------------------AXES-----------------------------//              svg              .              append              (              "              g              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              axis              "              )              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              "              translate(0,              "              +              height              +              "              )              "              )              .              call              (              xaxis              );              svg              .              append              (              "              g              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              axis              "              )              .              call              (              yaxis              )              .              append              (              "              text              "              )              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              "              rotate(-90)              "              )              .              attr              (              "              dy              "              ,              "              .75em              "              )              .              attr              (              "              y              "              ,              6              )              .              style              (              "              text-anchor              "              ,              "              end              "              )              .              text              (              "              Frequency              "              );              //----------------------------LINES-----------------------------//              const              lines              =              svg              .              selectAll              (              "              lines              "              )              .              data              (              slices              )              .              enter              ()              .              append              (              "              g              "              );              lines              .              append              (              "              path              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              ids              )              .              attr              (              "              d              "              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              line              (              d              .              values              );              });              lines              .              append              (              "              text              "              )              .              attr              (              "              class              "              ,              "              serie_label              "              )              .              datum              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              {              id              :              d              .              id              ,              value              :              d              .              values              [              d              .              values              .              length              -              1              ]};              })              .              attr              (              "              transform              "              ,              function              (              d              )              {              return              "              translate(              "              +              (              xScale              (              d              .              value              .              date              )              +              10              )              +              "              ,              "              +              (              yScale              (              d              .              value              .              measurement              )              +              5              )              +              "              )              "              ;              })              .              attr              (              "              x              "              ,              5              )              .              text              (              function              (              d              )              {              return              (              "              Serie                            "              )              +              d              .              id              ;              });              });              </script>              </body>                      


                          /* AXES */              /* ticks */              .axis              line              {              stroke              :              #706f6f              ;              stroke-width              :              0.5              ;              shape-rendering              :              crispEdges              ;              }              /* axis contour */              .axis              path              {              stroke              :              #706f6f              ;              stroke-width              :              0.7              ;              shape-rendering              :              crispEdges              ;              }              /* axis text */              .axis              text              {              fill              :              #2b2929              ;              font-family              :              Georgia              ;              font-size              :              120%              ;              }              /* LINE CHART */              path              .line-0              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #ed3700              ;              }              path              .line-1              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #2b2929              ;              stroke-dasharray              :              2              ;              }              path              .line-2              {              fill              :              none              ;              stroke              :              #9c9c9c              ;              stroke-dasharray              :              6              ;              }              .serie_label              {              fill              :              #2b2929              ;              font-family              :              Georgia              ;              font-size              :              80%              ;              }                      


            date,A,B,C 20-Jul-2019,10,20,16 21-Jul-2019,11,22,18 22-Jul-2019,13,19,21 23-Jul-2019,11,17,22 24-Jul-2019,15,16,20 25-Jul-2019,16,19,18 26-Jul-2019,19,21,18 27-Jul-2019,22,25,15 28-Jul-2019,18,24,12 29-Jul-2019,14,20,16 30-Jul-2019,14,18,18 31-Jul-2019,16,18,21 01-Aug-2019,15,20,22 02-Aug-2019,14,21,19                      

Follow @EveTheAnalyst

How to Draw a Line Graph in D3


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